Find Coleraine MOT Cancellations
Enter your existing MOT booking details & we'll automatically find a Coleraine (or any other centre) cancellation that suits you.
When successful we will email & text your new booking details. Job done!
If you want to find an MOT booking at the Coleraine test centre this guide will walk you through how to do just that!
You will need to have an existing MOT booking in order to use our service. Once you do, head over to here and input your booking reference number and your vehicle registration number. Hit “Next” once done.
On the next page you will be able to select your new test centre that you want to find cancellations for. This can be Coleraine, or any other test centres you desire. Feel free to add as many as you would like.
Once you have selected Coleraine (and any other test centres), you can now select your desired date range and time of day you want your new MOT booking to have.
Add your name, email and phone number. We will need this to contact you once we find you a new booking.
On the next page you will be able to pay and activate the search for a new MOT booking based on your desired criteria.
We will now begin to look for cancellations at Coleraine (or any other test centre you selected) and notify you once we found one. We will send you both an email and text to your phone letting you know your new MOT booking details.
2 Loughan Hill Ind Estate Gateside Road, Loughan Hill, Coleraine, BT52 2NJ
Cars | Motorcycles |
Light Goods Vehicles | PSV |
Omnibus | Trailers |
Taxis | Quads |
Phone Number: +44 300 200 7862