We have a system in place that scans for MOT appointments. Once an appointment matches what you selected, then we book it automatically on your behalf. Once that's done, we send you an email and text with the new booking details.

For best results, try select a date range of more than a few days or choose more than one test centre. This will increase the likelyhood of finding a cancellation. If we cannot find you a cancellation then you will not be charged.

We (MOT Hub) are not affiliated with the DVA in any way. If you cannot making your MOT booking, then please contact your MOT centre or go to the MOT's website and find a more suitable appointment date/time.

If we are not able to find you a new booking then we will give you your full refund back. We automatically give refunds to every user we are not able to find a cancellation for.

Our cancellation booking service is available in Northern Ireland only.

Feel free to send us a message by clicking here or send an email to support@mot-hub.co.uk

Yes, we support every test centre in Northern Ireland. You will be able to get a cancellation in all locations:


We will automatically give you a refund. We guarantee to find a cancellation or we give your money back. Please allow for 4-7 business days for the money to be added back to your account.

Nope! When we book your new appointment we automatically cancel your original one for you.

This is based on your desired criteria, but we can often times find you a new cancellation within a few hours! The broader your search criteria the quicker we will be able to find one for you.